Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 29, 2013...Saturday

It's a rainy morning in Gainesville, Florida...and a busy day ahead

This morning, I drove to the Doris to retreive three paintings that had been a part of an exhibition that ran through most of the month of June. 

On June first, another Saturday morning, I had participated in a plein air outing sponsored by GFAA.  We had the opportunity to paint either the Historic Duck Pond neighborhood, Pleasant Street district, or the Matheson Museum.  As I am very familiar with Duck Pond neighborhood, or as I call it "the hood", I wanted to paint in that neighborhood.  I love the old, broken down houses, the restored beauties, and area in general.  I park my vehicle in the hood...Monday thru Friday as I work close by.  I am drawn to the not so pretty, but to the older, decaying houses.  So, I did two paintings of houses that had seen better days, and one painting of a restored bungelow.

Two of the paintings, I did in the comfort of my home.  I didn't whip them out in a day...try a few weeks.  The angles were the challenge because I didn't want to paint a portrait...I wanted the angles...the curves...the challenge!  And they did not disappoint!

I painted a little 8 x 10" on site.  Painting in acrylic outdoors was a test of painting quickly and trying not to let the paint dry too fast on my palette.  I covered those globs of paint with medium and sprayed the palette frequently with mists of water.  I already had my image drawn in and underground colors placed on the gessoboard.  So...I was ready to paint.  It turned out well, and I enjoyed painting outdoors.  I think that I'll do more of this!

I do not have images at this time as my paintings were basically straight off the easel and into the show.  Hope to shoot some good pictures of them either this weekend or next, and be able to post them in the near future.